Sunday, December 7, 2008

All-Time Best American Male Movie Actors

Here are the criteria I'm using: Range/versatility. Presence/charisma. Respect of/reputation among fellow actors.

1. Marlon Brando
2. Robert DeNiro
3. Robert Duvall
4. Dustin Hoffman (Of course he's an excellent actor. Yeah. Definitely.)
5. Morgan Freeman (Maybe the most "believable" actor ever. Perfectly natural on screen.)
6. Gene Hackman.
7. Al Pacino
8. Johnny Depp. (If the guy weren't so pretty, he'd be much more highly regarded than he is. His range is stunning, and he's as charismatic as they come.)
9. James Stewart
10. Montgomery Clift

Okay, I can already here the criticisms. Bring 'em on.


Anonymous said...


Elisheba said...

1.Rudolph Valentino (No other male film star has reached his level of popularity and pageantry. Ever.)
2.Lon Chaney Sr.(The man with a thousand faces)
3.Clark Gable
4.Bela Lugosi (you just have to admire a guy who emotes with his eyebrows)
5.Frank Sinatra
6.Vincent Price
7.Orson Welles
8.Jim Henson (he was a voice actor. It counts.)
9. Bing Crosby
10. Daniel Day Lewis

Susan Hasbrouck said...

8. Sean Connery (no. 1 in voice, though. talk to me, baby.)
8. Morgan Freeman (another voice guy. could listen to him all day. also does more with less in terms of his facial expressions than anyone.)
7. Charlie Chaplin (i way admire comedic genius. he paved the way and much of it was silent!)
7. Dick Van Dyke (master of comedy. the timing, the facial expressions, the use of his body. the guy sings a lovely song to boot. AND, all this without hollywood looks.)
6. Nicholas Cage (range; that says it all)
5. Johnny Depp (as you say, surprisingly good for a pretty boy. we're going to look back on his administration and liken it to some of the older talent)
4. Robert Redford (how could you not)
3. Robert DeNiro (goes without saying)
2. Anthony Hopkins (the man has class and range)
1. Cary Grant (finally, no other man has started out as Archibald and gone on to have singular billing as #1 Virile Man for as long as he did.)

jonbon said...

If one doesn't put Marlon Brando on his/her list, then said person is dead to me.

Anonymous said...

1. Eddie Van Halen
2. Eddie Van Halen
3. Eddie Van Halen
4. Eddie Van Halen
5. Eddie Van Halen
6. Eddie Van Halen
7. Eddie Van Halen
8. Eddie V --

Wait. What was the category again? Dang it.

Susan Hasbrouck said...

I can't believe you're "letting go" enough to have our comments post without approval.

What if we say something untoward, inappropriate, podlike?

You know it's likely.

And you're so busy, it could be hours before you notice, like jb, that marlon brando isn't on anyone else's list.

Anonymous said...

Can we criticize each other on this blog? Justcurious--Nic Cage? Range? Please don't become dead to me now.

Susan Hasbrouck said...

TK - You can't TAKE the range. (said with the finger wag and neck snap)

(boy, do dead people get testy or what? it's actually quite freeing.)

Mike Bailey said...


once again you speak truth. why can't appreciate see our wisdom?

it's our burden now ain't it?

Mike Bailey said...


it's definitely a risk to open all comments. as you point out, i can't screen out nonsense like the omission of Brando.

Technoprairie said...

Gene Hackman - He's good in everything!

Mike Bailey said...

even the commercials.

Anonymous said...

Love the Gene Hackman!!