Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Top five errors of judgment in the posts thus far

5. Nicholas Cage
4. Vincent Price
3. Frank Sinatra (doobie doobie don't.)
2. Bing Crosby (buh buh buh bad)
1. Omitting Marlon Brando. He IS a contender, Charley.

On the bright side, a big revelation for me is Lon Chaney Sr. I’ve never seen one of his movies, but look at this clip. I gotta give it up to him. This is an incredibly affecting video to me—it taps something pretty primal.

On the video between 2:19-2:25 how DeNiro-esque he looks (maybe his Max Cady character in Cape Fear). Amazing.


jonbon said...

Nice call on Lon Chaney. Very moving video too. I saw him in Phantom of the Opera last year at Halloween inside PU's grand chapel. Very spooky setting and a helluva performance.

Technoprairie said...

Now I must disagree with Vincent. True, he was in a lot of loser movies later in life, but his earlier works varied from "man about town" to "villian". And what about that great performance in Edward Scissor Hands?

Mike Bailey said...

i guess i don't know his work well enough to make an informed decision.

which doesn't make my decision any less correct. information is far overrated.

all i remember from edward scissorhands is depp's performance. that and how tim burton somehow turned one of the most beautiful women on the planet into something quite ordinary. which proves, i guess, that blonde is not always better.

which i've known for a while.

okay, i've said too much.

Elisheba said...

Also, Vincent had a great mustache and a beautifully creepy voice.