Monday, December 22, 2008

Top Movie Cliches We Never Want to See Again!

Timekeeper offers these:

6. The cop days away from retirement.

5. trying to make the computer exciting shot of the screen bar or percentage of the download/upload finished while hoping someone does not come in and turn off the computer.

4. frightened person looking backwards while walking.

3. Family/friends singing kareoke style while dancing together.

2. Microphone feedback.

1. Slow walk away with explosion behind.


Mike Bailey said...

A good start. I likes. But people do look over their shoulder when they're scared, right? So that's pretty natural to show, no?

Anonymous said...

Did I mention that the person then walks into the scary thing because they were looking behind them?

And add the "trying to make the computer exciting" shot of the screen bar or percentage of the download/upload finished while hoping someone does not come in and turn off the computer.

Mike Bailey said...


i've never seen a movie with someone coming in and turning off a computer as a point of drama.

but you and i may be seeing different movies.

Technoprairie said...

Didn't WarGames have some kind of computer drama? I do remember the first Mission Impossible had a lot of "let's watch Tom work on the computer" scenes.

Mike Bailey said...

i think a lot of movies have that computer thing going on.

Sneakers is another one.

lots of spy thrillers, and you suggest here, do have that element.

Anonymous said...

The Net with Sandra Bullock has a bunch of those "waiting for the computer to download/upload something" scenes. Very annoying. Office Space has one where Ron Livingston is trying to quickly shut down his computer. That one shouldn't count though I guess, since it's funny because it's making fun of the cliche.

Mike Bailey said...

no, it doesn't count but it's a nice observation nonetheless.

Anonymous said...

Person walking away from explosion is perhaps a cliche. Maybe. But also, it is awesome, and always a joy to see. Especially if person knows how to do the slow-motion walk. Sometime, I hope to see a movie in which some person walks away from explosion with both middle fingers held smugly in the air as he looks around challengingly at imagined onlookers. This is profane and I would not let my daughter see this movie, but I think this is the logical next step in a venerable tradition.